
Showing posts with the label journey

The paths we choose

There’s an amazing movie called ‘Facing the Giants’ in which a small underdog football team from a Christian school starts playing by the principals of the Bible and they take on the #1 unbeatable, unstoppable, and dirty playing Giants. If you haven’t seen it, I suggest you log onto your Netflix account right now and add it to the #1 slot. In this epic movie, there’s a scene where a new inexperienced kicker is trying to get the ball between the posts to no avail. The assistant coach then uses scripture to explain that making a field goal uses the same biblical fundamentals, and in the tradition of a southern preacher says, “Now what does scripture say about this? Scripture says wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. And many that be there find it. Now to us; that's wide left, and wide right. But narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, and few that be there find it.” He’s talking about Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter by the narro...

The Dinner Dare-Overview

We've all heard it before: The family that eats dinner together is closer, kids are less likely to get in trouble, try drugs, or commit crimes, and have stronger bonds. We hear it over and over again, yet we still look at our spouses at five o'clock and ask the great American question, "Where do you want to eat?" Forget the fast food, forget grabbing a pizza on the way home. I'm daring you to be an active part of your family for 30 days. 30 DAYS, that's it. At the end, you'll either love it, or you can go back to eating at Burger King and McDonalds, and at least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that for 1 month out of your entire life, you made an effort to have a family dinner. With every dare, there are rules. This one is no different. Rule #1-Dinner will only be eaten at the dining room table. That's right, you read me. All eating is to take place at the table together as a family. That's the whole point of this dare. That mea...