
Showing posts with the label white elephant

Marriage Mondays-avoid the holiday budget blowout

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  Decorations are hung, the lights are strung, and presents are wrapped and tucked neatly under the tree.  Last minute gifts have been purchased, and you’ve checked your list twice and thrice.  Now it’s time to sit back, enjoy a cup of joe, and snuggle by the fire in front of a classic Christmas cartoon.  Then the phone rings.  You’re invited to yet another holiday party and there is a white elephant gift required.  You already know it's tight, but you hate to turn down an opportunity to go to a party. Begrudgingly, you open your bank ap to find that you’re overdrawn and the fees are racking up.  You realize that there is a purchase of $200 from a store you never went to.  You turn and look at your spouse, who is oblivious to the hellfire brewing inside of you.  Trying to hold it back, you sip your coffee and stare at the screen stewing and wondering what gifts under the tree have to go ...